Modern Database Management: Chapter 11 Problem and Exercise 6


Referring to Problem and Exercise 5, rank the four candidates for the data warehouse administrator position at Metro Marketing. Again, support your rankings.

The Solution to the Problem

Data Warehouse Administrator

A data warehouse is a collection of data from a distinct range of sources, unprocessed data of a corporation. Those who are maintaining the data warehouse are called data warehouse administrator. The administrator is responsible for the data manipulation of the big data source. They will process the warehouse and retrieve the data or information.

The following candidates are ranked for the position of data warehouse administrator at Metro Marketing:

Rank 1: Marie Weber

Marie Weber will be the favored candidate since she has knowledge in managing a parallel data warehouse achievement.

Rank 2: Gerald Brewster

Gerald Brewster will be the next favored candidate. He administers a marketing-oriented database, which would be the majority preferred knowledge for a warehouse to stock up customer information for advertising purposes.

Rank 3: Jim Reedy

As Jim Reedy is extremely recognizable with Metro’s present systems surroundings, this is a plus for managing the technical staff and dealing with technological issues.

Rank 4: Monica Lopez

Despite her knowledge as a higher-ranking database administrator, she has to be concerned in a different kind of business.

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