Modern Database Management: Chapter 11 Problem and Exercise 22


Compare the concurrency issues that must be dealt with when developing an OLTP system versus a data warehouse.

The Solution to the Problem

The prerequisites for concurrency in a data warehouse are altogether different from those of an OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) framework. As generally, database frameworks have been intended to back OLTP, they do not match the prerequisites of a data warehouse.

Concurrency issues while developing an OLTP system versus a data warehouse

  1. Think about the transaction. An OLTP transaction commonly utilizes records to straightforwardly select little number lines and maybe overhaul some of them.
  2. In a data warehouse, a normal inquiry may get to numerous tables through a few lists, join the outcomes, surely with the help of a multi-table join list and afterward perform some total to process a consequence.
  3. The other sort of transaction in a data warehouse is a mass burden, requiring constructing a few lists, including joining records and may need to check referential honesty. If fundamental, naturally create columns to keep up referential uprightness.
  4. In an OLTP framework, having a transaction lock distinct lines works more often than not, and where there are problem areas that keep locking from living up to expectations, uncommon methods might be utilized.
  5. One uncommon system is forming where the data being formed might be a line or even a data thing.
  6. In a data warehouse, locking distinct columns is not helpful for either question that wanders over a lot of data or the mass loader.
  7. Forming is a helpful system for permitting mass burdens to move ahead in parallel with questions. The forming framework must have the capacity to handle formed data on a far bigger scale than ever imagined by the implementers of an OLTP framework.

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